nav-phone phone notable-naming actions-everything consumer-king one-size-fits-none everyone-can-innovate good-stuff-buried soul-purpose-positioning brand-stretch new-product-pipeline portfolios-with-purpose voice-of-consumer implication nav-perspective nav-get-in-touch page-arrow-down brand-health brand-stretch2 consumers-complex facebook fountainhead-icon get-in-touch impact implication2 information insight linkedin perspective-01 portfolios-with-purpose2 results soul-purpose-positioning2 twitter voice-of-consumer2 404 ethnography implicit guiding-force

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Case Study

An Off-track Brand Manager Looking for Their Way

Their Situation

When a curious problem-solver sought out Fountainhead to give their brand a boost, they found themselves on a webpage that didn't actually exist.

Their Solution

We redirected the user to our homepage, giving them access to everything Fountainhead. And we encourage them to explore our specialties page to discover all the ways we dig deeper for brand insights that make the biggest difference.

Their Results

After successfully navigating away from the 404 page and learning more about what we're capable of, our guest reached out to the Fountainhead team from our contact page and put their brand on the path to progress. We can't wait to see what's in store for their business tomorrow.