nav-phone phone notable-naming actions-everything consumer-king one-size-fits-none everyone-can-innovate good-stuff-buried soul-purpose-positioning brand-stretch new-product-pipeline portfolios-with-purpose voice-of-consumer implication nav-perspective nav-get-in-touch page-arrow-down brand-health brand-stretch2 consumers-complex facebook fountainhead-icon get-in-touch impact implication2 information insight linkedin perspective-01 portfolios-with-purpose2 results soul-purpose-positioning2 twitter voice-of-consumer2 404 ethnography implicit guiding-force


We think, innovate and act on the insights we uncover.

In 2008, Fountainhead began giving clients business-building strategies and research-based insights to help their brands reach their highest potentials. Our senior-level consultants put years of branding and client-side experience to work, employing a combination of creative ingenuity and cutting-edge market intelligence.

Seven years of results-driven success later, Fountainhead partnered with Hiebing to support growing demand. Hiebing is a full-service brand development and marketing firm based in Madison, Wisconsin.

 Today, additional talent and resources reinforce our longstanding commitment to uncovering key business-building insights that take our clients’ brands to new heights.


Claire Mazzeo-Gnau,


Claire has extensive market research experience and a true passion for using insight to drive business impact. Her experience began at Kraft Foods and later she ran her own firm where she consulted for a wide variety of industries. Claire has a Master of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research.

Our deep bench of specialized experts works across both qualitative and quantitative projects and includes experienced moderators, ideation facilitators, research analysts, ethnographers, statisticians and a concept illustrator.

Contact us today to learn more about our team, capabilities and perspective on the ever-evolving marketplace.