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Categories That Brought Sexy Back (and you can too!)

Razor blades: Just the thought makes you leap for joy, doesn’t it? Okay, me neither. But Dollar Shave Club had the wisdom to find a way to overcome two consumer pain points while jumping on a burgeoning consumer trend.


Pain 1: The increasing difficulty of buying razor blades in-store. Many c-stores have them locked down tighter than Beyoncé’s security. One either has to grab the paper voucher and take that to the counter so the employee can access the vault of blades, or the blades are encased in a plastic box that can only be opened via a magic wand. Note: We understand this has to do with theft protection but for consumers is a big hassle!

Pain 2: Money, money, money. Four cartridges for $25. That’s a lot of cash.

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How Bricks and Mortar Can Combat Amazon

Let’s look at one scary fact: 64 percent of American households have Amazon Prime*

And one scary quote: “I think that effectively you have a company that has conspired with about a million consumers and technology to destroy brands.” -Scott Gallaway, NYU Stern School of Business speaking at L2’s Amazon Clinic

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Engaged Employees

Engagement and Profitability

Sixty-eight percent (68%!) of employees are not engaged in their work. That’s a huge number and comes from a study released by Gallup in 2016. This means that only 32 percent of employees are indeed engaged, which translates to the majority of people in workplaces feeling a bit lackluster and unmotivated by what they are doing every day.

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Resonating with Consumers in an Ever Changing World

It’s an exciting and crazy time to be a consumer. It’s an even more exciting and crazier time to be a marketer. Consumers’ perceptions of brands are now formed by limitless influences, some stemming from the brand itself and others outside the brand’s control. This puts immense pressure on marketers and brand builders to stay on top of all the tangibles and intangibles that combine to form consumer beliefs.

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An Interesting Lesson in Brand Empathy

When was the last time a video or TV commercial truly moved you? Sure there are funny or entertaining spots that may make you smile for a minute or two. But what about a brand message that was really relevant to you? One that you felt truly understood you and your day-to-day life?

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