nav-phone phone notable-naming actions-everything consumer-king one-size-fits-none everyone-can-innovate good-stuff-buried soul-purpose-positioning brand-stretch new-product-pipeline portfolios-with-purpose voice-of-consumer implication nav-perspective nav-get-in-touch page-arrow-down brand-health brand-stretch2 consumers-complex facebook fountainhead-icon get-in-touch impact implication2 information insight linkedin perspective-01 portfolios-with-purpose2 results soul-purpose-positioning2 twitter voice-of-consumer2 404 ethnography implicit guiding-force

Definite Yes or Yes, I Guess? Advances in Conviction Measurement Research

When is a “yes” a certain response and when is it a maybe? Hesitation can be the key to unlocking the difference. As marketers and researchers, it’s critical that we get to the heart of consumers’ true attitudes.


We’ve been working with clients to assess the implicit level of certainty consumers have when associating attributes with various stimuli.

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Concept Optimization for Today’s Marketer: Cost Effective and Fast

Issue: A company that was established in food-based nutritional products was having an internal debate. Would consumers welcome their brand in the realm of dietary supplements, particularly omega-3s? Would current supplement users have a reason to switch brands? And what equity elements should they carry over from their existing lines?

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It’s Time to Follow the Crowd: The Wisdom of Co-creation

An interesting experiment took place in 1907. The English statistician, Sir Francis Galton, asked 787 villagers at a local county fair to guess the weight of an ox. No one guessed the right answer. However, when Galton averaged their answers together, the result was closer to the true weight than their individual answers or any of the cattle experts’ estimates.

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Context Is Everything: The Power of In-home Interviews

In-home interviews are often overlooked as a method to learn about consumers. They can be thought of as too expensive, geographically limited or time consuming. But the learning is invaluable, as it’s a wonderful view into the true context of products and consumer lifestyles.

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The Power of Agile Insights

George Bernard Shaw may have put it best when he said, 'Progress is not possible without change.' Change, along with death and taxes, seems to be the one thing you can’t avoid in today’s evolving world.

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